Club Meeting – January 9, 2023
7:30 PM Zoom Meeting Fluorite – The World’s Most Colorful Mineral presented by Dick Weber Due to a spectacular range of colors and well developed crystals, this mineral is highly sought after by collectors. Clear and colorless when pure, fluorite can exhibit every color of the spectrum from the deepest purple to bright oranges and…
Club Meeting – November 14, 2022
7:30 PM Zoom Meeting Agate areas of the famed Kokernot o6 Ranch in Texas presented by Stephen Blyskal Our November program will be presented by Stephen Blyskal, a Rockhound and Retired Geologist, who will describe collecting in the wonderful agate areas of the famed Kokernot o6 Ranch in Texas. The ranch was founded many years…
Club Meeting – October 10, 2022
7:30 PM Zoom Meeting Exotic Common Opals Lecture presentation by Helen Serras-Herman, MFA, FGA Opals are typically known for their fiery play-of-color and rather pricey costs, but there is a wide range of what are called “Common Opals” that have striking body colors, luscious bands and bold stripes. And these Opals are great lapidary materials.…
Club Meeting – September 12, 2022
7:30 PM Zoom Meeting Collecting at the Red Cloud Mines of Lincoln County, New Mexico & How, Creating Fantastic Specimen Images using modern technology Two part presentation by Scott Raley Scott will tell us about the Red Cloud mines of Lincoln County, N.M. They are two small and distinct mines, just a few hundred feet…
Club Meeting – August 8, 2022
7:30 PM Zoom Meeting Lakers (Lake Superior Agates) Presented by Dick Weber This month geologist Dick Weber will take us on a journey to the upper Midwest to look at Lake Superior agates. He will show us how they formed, where they are found, and the traditions relating to their care and display. Dick has…