Club Meeting – April 8, 2024

7:30 PM
Zoom Meeting:

Metalsmithing Presentation – How to Make a Ring


Award-winning artist Jeff Fulkerson will walk us through the steps to create a cabochon ring with a castellated bezel and give us tips along the way to make your ring-making experience smoother.

Artist Jeff Fulkerson, M.A., has been creating stunning, imaginative jewelry for over 40 years. A contributing artist to Lapidary Journal/Jewelry Artist Magazine, his work has also been featured in Art Jewelry Magazine, Rock & Gem Magazine, the Tucson Show Guide, and Step by Step Wire.

Jeff has produced several instructional videos, including “Beginning Inlay.” His Silversmithing Video Library offers jewelry artists of all levels the opportunity to learn and improve their skills.

Jeff invented the Steady Stamp™ and the Fast Flare Forming Disks (pat. pend.) for making spinner bangles. He has taught at Bead Fest, Bead & Button Show, Art Retreat in the Desert, Art Unraveled, the San Diego Museum of Man, and several private studios and bead shops across the country. A self-taught silversmith with a background in construction and design, he counts himself fortunate to have studied with many great Native American artists in the last few years, most notably, Richard Tsosie, Navajo, Jesse Monogya, Hopi/Navajo and Michael Cheatham, Cherokee. “It’s very satisfying to me to help others grow in their gifts and talents.”

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Meeting ID: 310 836 4611
Password: rocks

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Zoom can be used on a computer, tablet, or smartphone. If you do not have a webcam or smartphone, you will still be able to participate. You can join the video portion of the meeting from your computer and call in from your phone for audio.