7:30 PM
Zoom Meeting
Lakers (Lake Superior Agates)
Presented by Dick Weber
This month geologist Dick Weber will take us on a journey to the upper Midwest to look at Lake Superior agates. He will show us how they formed, where they are found, and the traditions relating to their care and display.
Dick has been an avid “Lakers” fan as far back as he can remember. He began collecting these beautiful agates during his youth, long before he became interested in Geology as a profession.
Lake Superior Agates are the second oldest and one of the most abundant types of agates found in the world. Collectors around the world instantly recognize them because of their distinct fortification banding and rich iron oxide colors.
Dick is a retired exploration geologist and mineral collector. He received his education in Minnesota and has a Masters Degree in Geology from the University of Minnesota, Duluth. Along with his wife, Mary Pat, the two have given numerous programs to our club over the past 10 years and displayed some of their mineral collection at our shows. Dick is a past President and long time member of the Conejo Gem and Mineral Club in Thousand Oaks.
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