Club Meeting – October 9, 2023

7:30 PM
– In Person + Zoom Meeting:

“Why did I pick up that rock?”

Presented by Jason Badgley

In the presentation, Jason will talk about the rocks we pick up in the field, and what they could look like inside because everyone overlooked a good specimen. We’ll talk about and show examples of desert varnish oxidation weathering on the stones, and the waterworn exterior of rinds and luster. Join us for this much needed, informative talk.

Jason Badgley: I have been into rockhounding and lapidary since I was 7 years old. My grandfather introduced me to this wonderful hobby. Since then, I have worked in Mexico. – I worked for a geologist in Central Mexico mapping, locating, and collecting samples for a mininmuch-neededg company to locate new sources of gold, silver, and copper. My specimens have been in three different books: “Agates and Jaspers of North America”, “A Study of Agates and their Inclusions of the California Coast,” and “Jaspers and Agates of the California Coast Ranges”. I also became an Eagle Scout. And I have always loved nature.

Zoom One-click login:

Meeting Access Code
Meeting ID: 310 836 4611
Password: rocks

Zoom Instructions
Zoom can be used on a computer, tablet, or smartphone. If you do not have a webcam or smartphone, you will still be able to participate. You can join the video portion of the meeting from your computer and call in from your phone for audio.

The Veteran’s Memorial Multi-Purpose Room is in the back of the Veteran’s Memorial Auditorium Building. When entering the parking lot from Culver Blvd. (closest to Overland Blvd.), walk to the right when facing the building. Around the corner is a sign leading to the Multi-Purpose Room, where our meetings are held.