General Meeting & Program

CCRMC General Meetings are held on the second Monday of each month at 7:30 PM, followed by a monthly Program presentation at 8 PM. We welcome you to join our next scheduled meeting:

  • Club Meeting – October 14, 2024
    7:30 PM

    Mineral Exploration on the Beautiful Paige Lode Claim

    Presented by Richard Edley

    Please join us on October 14 at 7:30 PM in the Multipurpose Room at the Veterans Memorial Complex, 4117 Overland Ave, Culver City 90230. Our guest speaker will be Richard Edley. His presentation will cover the different gemstones that he has found prospecting in the Southern California desert. Mr. Edley owns two federal mining claims near Barstow, California, and has been mining and prospecting in Southern California for twenty years. His latest project, ” Mineral Exploration on the Beautiful Paige Lode claim,” and what he hopes to find will be discussed.

    Richard Edley has been prospecting and mining in Southern California for twenty years. He owns a 20-acre lode and 40-acre placer claim outside of Barstow, California. Currently, he is negotiating with the Bureau of Land Management to conduct a mineral excavation of the claim. His PowerPoint presentation will be about that project and the minerals and gemstones he has found there. He will also speak about the emerald discovery he and his son made in the Julian Mining District. Mr. Edley has published several articles about his discoveries in different magazines and has spoken to many mining and gem associations throughout Southern California. He is a former United States Air Force Captain and worked at AT&T Bell Laboratories on military communication projects.

    The Veteran’s Memorial Multi-Purpose Room is in the back of the Veteran’s Memorial Auditorium Building. When entering the parking lot from Culver Blvd. (closest to Overland Blvd.), walk to the right when facing the building. Around the corner is a sign leading to the Multi-Purpose Room, where our meetings are held.

Visit our Monthly Meeting Archive for a listing of previous programs.